This is the first post in our travel blog page, we are ready for the journey, “The Off Road Granny Flat” (caravan) is ready and packed, the four wheel drive is also ready;
To keep you up to date, we will try to write on this travel blog as many times as possible.
Later on, we will be posting some photos of our trip.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the people from our club for teaching us all the skills we will be using during the trip.
Special thanks to Ben Fullagar, Julie and Michael Rush for their advice during the trip planning, also thank you to Heidi Lawson and Brian Flood for lending us their "maxtrax".
A big thanks to Mark, John, Scott, Carl and Richard from ARB ST Peters for the advice and all the work done to the 4x4; they really did an excellent job.
Furthermore we would like to extend our appreciation to the helpful people from Jayco Sydney, specially their service department manager Steve Vella.
Kilometres travelled to date: 0 Km.
Very nice setup on your car scince i saw it when i was with Ben.
With the Suzuki
Hi Sam, We are are glad you have liked it, wait until we get some red dust on it, then after, you can add some more comments. Cheers
It looks like an awsome trip so far